Inspiring the Next Generation of World Changers
Our Mission is to Engage and Educate
World Affairs Council of St. Louis administers the Academic WorldQuest (AWQ) program for the St. Louis region as a part of our mission.
Preparing the next generation of leaders, scholars, and decision-makers to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing world – where our national interests are intertwined with the global community – is one of the greatest challenges facing our country. It requires a renewed enthusiasm for global studies in our high schools. Too many American students today fall behind their counterparts from other countries in their knowledge and understanding of world history, geography, and current international events. The purpose of Academic WorldQuest is to close the gap.
What is WorldQuest
The World Affairs Councils of America’s flagship youth education program is a fun, fast-paced team competition for high school students. Academic WorldQuest™ tests players’ knowledge of current international politics, geography, global economics, history, and world cultures. Some 50 World Affairs Councils hold local Academic WorldQuest™ (AWQ) competitions for high school students in their communities. Since 2003, the winning teams have traveled to Washington, DC, every April to vie for the national championship.
Calling all Educators!
The Countdown Begins!
Days Until 2024 Competition
Format of AWQ
Each team is comprised of 4 students, plus an alternate (if possible), and a team sponsor. The sponsor is typically a teacher in the social studies department, but if there is an interested teacher outside the social studies department, or a parent of one of the student participants, they may be the team sponsor.
Info for Schools and Teachers
Over 130 students compete in AWQ each year and nearly 5,000 students compete at a national level. Pledge your school’s participation in the competition HERE NOW. Teams consist of four students. You do not need to know which students will be participating at this time, just put N/A under the student’s name and email in the form for now. Updates can be made at a later date. Let’s inspire the next generation of world changers right here in St. Louis
Who Can Participate
The World Affairs Council of St. Louis invites all high schools and students to participate in WorldQuest! Youth organizations are eligible to compete at the Regional competition but are unable to participate at the National level.
Cost to Pledge a Team
There is no cost to high schools to pledge a team!
Since 2003
Since 2003, the World Affairs Council of St. Louis has tested St. Louis high school students on their knowledge of international affairs through the World Affairs Councils of America’s flagship youth education program, Academic WorldQuest.
Academic WorldQuest, presented by Saint Louis University, is a team competition that tests high school students’ knowledge of international politics, geography, global economics, history, and world cultures.
Engaged High Schools
Our Annual Impact
Engaged High School Students
Winners take on Washington D.C.
Nearly 5,000 students compete in AWQ contests hosted by 50 World Affairs Councils in their states. Annually, in April, winning teams convene in Washington, D.C. for the Carlos and Malú Alvarez Academic WorldQuest National Competition hosted by World Affairs Councils of America.
The winning team at the regional competition will represent the World Affairs Council of St. Louis in Washington D.C. during the national AWQ championship weekend. The World Affairs Council of STL will pay for flights and lodging for the team’s trip.
Thank you, Sponsors
Academic WorldQuest is presented by Saint Louis University. We thank Saint Louis University and the Boeing Institute of International Business, Maritz and Dr. Kim for their generous sponsorship of Academic WorldQuest.
We could not fulfill our mission of engage and education without your support!
How to Get Involved
Pledge Your Team
Over 30 high schools gather each Spring to challenge their students knowledge on global affairs issues. Teams consist of four students. Pledge your school’s participation in the competition HERE NOW.
Volunteer as a Judge
Each year, the Council seeks community members to volunteer as a judge at the regional competition. Doors open at 4pm and the competition will begin at 5pm. The duration of the event is approximately 4 hours.
Sponsor a Round
The World Affairs Council of St. Louis attracts over 130 high school students every year to test their knowledge on foreign policy issues. At the Regional Competition, the Council provides prizes to eight lucky students. These prizes are donated by local community members and businesses. At the beginning of each round, our emcee will announce the round sponsor and the prize.
Stay in the Loop
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to receive updates in the WorldQuest competition.
We are proudly affiliated with World Affairs Councils of America
AWQ News & Information
Since 2003, the World Affairs Council of St. Louis has tested St. Louis high school students on their knowledge of international affairs through the...
2021 Academic WorldQuest in St. Louis
2018 Academic WorldQuest Competition in St. Louis
Vianney High School takes first place in the 2018 Academic WorldQuest Competition presented by Saint Louis University and the World Affairs Council...
WorldQuest in St. Louis 2020
On March 4, 2020 St. Louis University and the World Affairs Council of St. Louis proudly hosted the 17th WorldQuest at St. Louis University. There...