Our Signature Programs

Great Decisions Speaker Series

Great Decisions events are sponsored in St. Louis by the World Affairs Council of St. Louis & UMSL Global. The Great Decisions initiative is a national discussion program focusing on eight major foreign policy issues each year. It has been produced by the Foreign Policy Association (FPA) since 1954. The FPA is the U.S.’s oldest organization devoted to citizen education in world affairs. The issues are selected at the beginning of the year based on the most critical global challenges to United States foreign policy. The program aims to present all sides of each issue in order to inform and educate the public.

International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP)

The World Affairs Council of St. Louis is always seeking interns to assist with the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) & other Council programs. Internships may begin anytime during the year, on a rolling basis. Undergraduate or graduate students may earn academic credit relevant to their field of study. Internships are unpaid.

Saint Louis University Academic WorldQuest

Preparing the next generation of leaders, scholars, and decision-makers to thrive in a complex and rapidly changing world – where our national interests are intertwined with the global community – is one of the greatest challenges facing our country. It requires a renewed enthusiasm for global studies in our high schools. Too many American students today fall behind their counterparts from other countries in their knowledge and understanding of world history, geography, and current international events. The purpose of Academic WorldQuest is to close the gap.

Young Global network

World Affairs Council of St. Louis is dedicated to education and retaining talent in St. Louis. Our goal for this network is to provide emerging St. Louis professionals to St. Louis leaders and educate these individuals on career and volunteer opportunities in international affairs. 

Other Programs

International Bike Ride with Trailnet

World Affairs STL is excited to announce that we have partnered with our friends from Trailnet to introduce a community bike ride during their Giro Della Montagna bike ride.

Have you ever wondered how international community members have shaped the development of St. Louis into the vibrant city we know today? Join Trailnet and the World Affairs STL for a group bike tour of St. Louis neighborhoods and cultural history to learn more. This ride within a ride will feature presentations at several distinct locations, each with unique and noteworthy historical significance. 

Route and content information will be emailed on or before 6/5/24.

Register Today!

Upcoming Events

Career Opportunities in International Relations

Career Opportunities in International Relations Are you a college student or recent graduate who is interested in working abroad or working as a foreign service officer? Have you considered the Peace Corps or the Fulbright Program? Do you have questions about your...

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