Announcing the Passing of Dr. Sadiq Mohyuddin

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Dr. Sadiq Mohyuddin, a long-time and dedicated member of the World Affairs Council of St. Louis, a respected physician, and a beloved community leader. Dr. Mohyuddin peacefully passed away on March 23,...

New Census Data Reveals STL Immigration Increase

While the St. Louis metro area continues to see deaths outnumber births, the region still experienced population growth last year, thanks to one significant factor: international migration. According to population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, the metro...

Academic WorldQuest 2025 Recap

Saint Louis University Academic WorldQuest 2025 took place on February 26th, 2025, at Saint Louis University. The event, sponsored by Saint Louis University, the Boeing Institute of International Business, Commerce Bank, Maritz, the St. Louis Aquarium, the St. Louis...

Great Decisions: U.S.-China Relations

Join us March 5th at 1pm Central Time for our Great Decisions Speaker series! Competition, Cold War, or Conflict? Navigating U.S.-China Relations in Tense Times Presented by: Dr. Haitao Li, Professor, Department Chair, and Founding Director of the Laboratory of...